Plan, engineer and deploy solutions rapidly on cloud

Speed time to market
Optimize time-to-market by eliminating risks

Eliminate Downtime
Design a highly available architecture on cloud to avoid downtime

Cloud Implementation/Migration
Implementation and migration services aligned to devops best practices
Key aspects of the service
BizCloud Experts will engage with customer team for the following:
- To assess environment readiness for cloud computing
- Work with customer teams to design a project plan
- Define detailed test and acceptance plans and finalize any project specific deliverables/outcomes

Solution Engineering & Automation
To simplify the data center transformation and accelerate the journey to Enterprise Cloud, BizCloud Experts have standardized our deployment expertise on devops namely:
- Cloud Formation / Terraform
- API Gateway
- Ansible
- Python

Based on the project plan, we work closely with the IT residents for the following:
- Validate BOM
- Configure the infrastructure with security best practices
- Deploy required hardware/software on the environment

Post deployment phase
The following will be provided post the implementation of the solution:
- End-to-End integrated testing of the deployed system
- Detailed documentation of the implemented solution
- Knowledge transfer to the customer’s operation team

Solution Offers
Let’s get started on a Well Architected Review?
A Well Architected Review is a systematic evaluation of your AWS Environment based on the 5 pillars of the AWS “Well Architected Framework”. The process helps you evaluate your cloud workloads against the latest best practices for operational efficiency, cost optimization, security, performance, and reliability.
Well-Architected Reviews are conducted by AWS Certified Cloud Architects who are trained to help you develop secure, scalable, and cost effective environments based on the Well-Architected Framework.
Let’s get started on a Migrating Workloads to AWS Cloud?
BizCloud Experts has successfully migrated significant workloads to the cloud for clients like Neiman Marcus, HP/American Airlines, Rent-a-Center, and the International Register of Shipping (IRS), resulting in substantial IT cost savings and improvements in productivity, agility, and resilience.
Our AWS migration services encompass moving any workload from on-premises environments, hosting facilities, or other public clouds. We specialize in migrating applications, websites, databases, storage, physical or virtual servers, and entire data centers to AWS. Leveraging our expertise with AWS and certified resources, we offer a comprehensive approach to ensure rapid business benefits.
Case Studies